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How to Learn English with Movies (New Technique)


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[1] 00:01Hello everybody.

[2] 00:02I have a question for you.

[3] 00:04How do you learn English with movies?

[4] 00:08When some people try to learn English with movies, they use subtitles.

[5] 00:13The problem is that when you're watching a movie with subtitles, you aren't practicing

[6] 00:18your listening skills.

[7] 00:20Instead, you're practicing your reading skills.

[8] 00:24This is not what you want.

[9] 00:27Listening is much more difficult than reading.

[10] 00:30So when you learn English, you should do more listening than reading.

[11] 00:35This is why some people watch movies twice.

[12] 00:38They watch a movie with subtitles first, then they watch the same movie again without the

[13] 00:44subtitles to practice listening.

[14] 00:47Now, this is an effective way to improve your listening, but I think it's really boring

[15] 00:53to watch movies twice.

[16] 00:55So personally, I never use this approach.

[17] 00:58It's not for me.

[18] 01:00So today, I want to share with you a new approach.

[19] 01:04This approach is pretty effective in improving your listening and vocabulary.

[20] 01:10And with this approach, you don't have to watch movies twice.

[21] 01:15Are you ready to learn about this approach?

[22] 01:17Here's what it is: watching movies with "delayed" subtitles

[23] 01:24To use this approach, you need a movie player that can delay subtitles.

[24] 01:30Now, before you watch a movie, turn on the English subtitles and then delay the subtitles

[25] 01:37for about 2 seconds.

[26] 01:40This will make the subtitles appear 2 seconds later than usual.

[27] 01:47Let me show you a movie clip so that you know what it's like to watch a movie

[28] 01:51with delayed subtitles.

[29] 02:24So what you need to do when watching a movie this way?

[30] 02:27Well, it's simple.

[31] 02:29First of all, when you hear an actor speaks, try to listen with full attention.

[32] 02:36Don't worry that you may not understand.

[33] 02:39You can read the subtitles later when they appear.

[34] 02:43Now, if you can understand the actor, then don't look at the subtitles.

[35] 02:49Read the subtitles only if you don't understand.

[36] 02:53If the actor is talking really fast, if you feel like you need more time to read,

[37] 02:59you can pause the movie before you read the subtitles.

[38] 03:05Now let me show you another movie clip.

[39] 03:08This time, try not to read the subtitles unless you don't understand.

[40] 03:14Are you ready?

[41] 03:15Here we go.

[42] 03:56How did you do?

[43] 03:57Were you able to understand the clip without reading the subtitles?

[44] 04:02If you had to read the subtitles, that's OK.

[45] 04:05For most English students, movies are really difficult to understand.

[46] 04:10In fact, even native speakers have trouble understanding movies sometimes.

[47] 04:16So in the beginning, you might have to read subtitles almost all the time.

[48] 04:21That's OK.

[49] 04:22Listening is a very difficult skill to improve.

[50] 04:25So make sure you practice a lot and do it regularly.

[51] 04:29And over time, your listening and your vocabulary will get better.

[52] 04:36All right.

[53] 04:37That was an overview of how to learn English with movies.

[54] 04:40If you want to start using this technique, there's some additional information you might

[55] 04:45need to know first.

[56] 04:47So if you want to learn more, click here to go to my website to learn more.