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How To Quickly Reinvent Yourself

Marie Forleo

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[1] 00:00Hello there, it's Marie Forleo again with another Q & A Tuesday!

[2] 00:06Q: Alright, so today we have a very exciting question. This is from Christina, Christina

[3] 00:13writes:

[4] 00:14"I'm a preschool teacher who has written children's books that encourage love and respect for

[5] 00:19self and others." Very nice job, Christina! "My question, how can I go about projecting

[6] 00:24myself as a writer first and a teacher second? What business steps can I take to make this

[7] 00:29transformation? Thank you for all you do, Christina."

[8] 00:32A: Alright so, Christina we've got some good answers for you today. There's actually three

[9] 00:36very simple, very effective things that you can do right now to make that transformation

[10] 00:40and make it happen fast! The first one is speak it. So words have tremendous power,

[11] 00:46all you got to do the next time you find yourself at a cocktail party, just say you're a writer

[12] 00:51first. So anytime you introduce yourself, talk about writing; talk about your books.

[13] 00:55Talk about everything else before you start saying you're a teacher and that's going to

[14] 00:59make a huge difference.

[15] 01:00So what we like to say is justdoit. Juss doeht. Juzdooet, Christina. Number two! Number two,

[16] 01:09you want to write it. So all language that goes out into the world, think about this,

[17] 01:14what is your email signature say? What does your business card say? What about any social

[18] 01:18media profiles? The very first thing that you should have is ding, ding, ding... writer.

[19] 01:24So if you don't have writer as the first thing listed on all of your written paraphernalia,

[20] 01:28go and make that change right now! I'll wait.

[21] 01:32Do it? Didja jussdooit? Okay, good! Number three and this is the most important one of

[22] 01:39all is be it! You have to write as much as you can. So if you don't have a blog, I would

[23] 01:44highly suggest you start blogging. Perhaps journaling will be more your thing but just

[24] 01:48really be the writer that you actually are and it becomes pretty simple if you're doing

[25] 01:53something habitually.

[26] 01:55You're writing everyday. You're putting out blog posts. You're publishing more books.

[27] 01:59Naturally, it's going to be the first thing that pops out of your mouth. So those are

[28] 02:02three easy steps to make that transformation and I want you to tell us how it goes.

[29] 02:08So that was the A to today's Q. Thank you so much for watching! If you like it, like

[30] 02:13it! Leave a comment. Share it with your friends and most importantly, if you want more; you

[31] 02:18want to be notified of all new videos that go up, please go to Get on

[32] 02:23the newsletter list and I will talk with you soon. Thanks so much!