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English Speaking Practice (very easy to do)


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[1] 00:00There is a simple exercise that you can do to practice speaking English. This exercise

[2] 00:05will help you speak English clearly so that you're easy to understand.

[3] 00:10It's very effective. Before I began doing this exercise, I spoke like this:

[4] 00:33As you can hear, back then I did not speak clearly. I was mumbling all the time. If you

[5] 00:38have the same problem, this exercise can help improve the clarity of your speech.

[6] 00:44Here's how it works: First, you need to find English listening material like an audiobook

[7] 00:50or a podcast. And by the way you can find a link to download this kind of material for

[8] 00:55free at the end of this video.

[9] 00:57Once you have that, just listen to it and try to repeat what you hear to the best of

[10] 01:04your ability. This will help improve your speech in several ways: it helps strengthen

[11] 01:09the muscles involved in speaking, it helps improve your pronunciation, and so on.

[12] 01:15This exercise seems easy to do, but doing it effectively is not easy. The results you

[13] 01:21get depend on your accuracy. If you can repeat what you hear accurately, you will get great

[14] 01:28results. But if you're not very accurate, you'll probably get poor results. So let's

[15] 01:33talk about the single most important thing you can do to get the best results possible

[16] 01:39from this exercise.

[17] 01:40The single most important thing you can do is to slow down the audio before doing the

[18] 01:47exercise.

[19] 01:48Most media players allow you to change playback speed. You can use that function to decrease

[20] 01:54the playback speed like this:

[21] 02:06If it's a video, slow it down as well.

[22] 02:21Why do we have to do this?

[23] 02:22Well, there are two reasons.

[24] 02:25Firstly, it ensures that you will speak slowly. Speaking fast is not good. The faster you

[25] 02:31speak, the more mistakes you'll make. Every time you make a mistake, you're more likely

[26] 02:37to repeat that mistake in the future. We don't want that to happen.

[27] 02:41Secondly, in order to repeat what you hear accurately, you need to hear it clearly. But

[28] 02:47if it's too fast like this:

[29] 02:55If it's too fast like that, you're going to miss some details. You're not going to hear

[30] 03:00some sounds such as the -ed endings of verbs in the past tense. If you don't hear the input

[31] 03:07clearly, the output you produce will not be accurate.

[32] 03:11Now let's see this technique in action.

[33] 03:53OK. It's simple, right? All you have to do

[34] 03:56is listen closely, repeat what you hear. When you repeat, pay attention to your pronunciation.

[35] 04:03If it sounds good, move on. If you hear a mistake or if you're not sure, go back and

[36] 04:09listen to that part then try again until you get it right.

[37] 04:12Also, if the current sentence is long, you should pause mid-sentence and just repeat

[38] 04:18that part. Don't wait until the speaker finishes the whole sentence or you might forget the

[39] 04:24beginning of that sentence.

[40] 04:26The key is to practice slowly. Don't rush. Your goal is accuracy not speed. It's not

[41] 04:32how fast you can do it. It's how slowly you can do it correctly.

[42] 04:37Alright, that's all you need to know to get great results from this simple exercise. If

[43] 04:42you want to get started, click here to go to my website where you can download some

[44] 04:46materials to practice with for free.