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The Right Way to Learn to Speak English


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[1] 00:01How do you learn to speak English?

[2] 00:03In this video, we'll discuss three methods for learning to speak English that really

[3] 00:09work.

[4] 00:09But before we do, we first need to talk about how humans learn. This is important because

[5] 00:15if you have some basic understanding of how we learn, you'll be able to distinguish good

[6] 00:21learning methods from bad ones.

[7] 00:23So let's begin.

[8] 00:25The first thing you need to know is that there are two types of learning.

[9] 00:29The first type of learning is called explicit learning or conscious learning. This is the

[10] 00:35type of learning where the learner knows that he's learning something and also what is being

[11] 00:41learned. One example of explicit learning is studying grammar.

[12] 00:46When you listen to an English teacher explaining the past tense, you're learning English explicitly

[13] 00:52by consciously memorizing how to use the past tense.

[14] 00:56The second type of learning is called implicit learning or unconscious learning. In implicit

[15] 01:02learning, the learner doesn't know what is being learned. Oftentimes, he's not even aware

[16] 01:08that he's learning something. The learning happens unconsciously. One example of implicit

[17] 01:14learning is listening to a conversation in English

[18] 01:18When you listen to a conversation, your main goal is not to learn English but to understand

[19] 01:23the conversation. But by doing the activity, you're simultaneously learning English. You

[20] 01:30may not realize it, but you're learning many aspects of the English language - the sentence

[21] 01:35structure, the grammar, the vocabulary, and so on.

[22] 01:40So we can learn English in two different ways - either explicitly or implicitly. The question

[23] 01:47is, which way of learning is better?

[24] 01:51To answer this question, consider this:

[25] 01:54Just like there are two types of learning, there are also two types of knowledge - explicit

[26] 01:59knowledge and implicit knowledge. Explicit learning results in explicit knowledge whereas

[27] 02:06implicit learning results in implicit knowledge. And there's a very big difference between

[28] 02:11these two knowledges.

[29] 02:14Accessing explicit knowledge requires conscious thought. You have to think about the knowledge

[30] 02:20in order to use it. This means that if you want to speak English properly, you have to

[31] 02:25think about English. You have think about whether to use the past tense or something

[32] 02:29else. You have to think about how to form a sentence properly. But that's impossible

[33] 02:35because when you speak, there's no time to think about any of that.

[34] 02:40In contrast, accessing implicit knowledge does not require conscious thought. You don't

[35] 02:46have to think about the knowledge in order to use it. Think about how you speak your

[36] 02:51first language. It's pretty effortless, isn't it. You can speak properly without having

[37] 02:57to think about any grammar rule. That is possible only because your knowledge of your native

[38] 03:03language is implicit.

[39] 03:05For this reason, implicit learning is a much better learning strategy. When you don't have

[40] 03:11to think about English, it frees up your mind so you can fully concentrate on expressing

[41] 03:16your thoughts and ideas.

[42] 03:18Unfortunately, many English students like to learn English in an explicit manner. Some

[43] 03:24of them spend time on Youtube watching videos about English grammar. What they don't realize

[44] 03:29is that the knowledge they gain from the activity is explicit knowledge, which is almost useless

[45] 03:35when it comes to speaking.

[46] 03:38So let me share with you three methods for learning to speak English that really work.

[47] 03:42I'll give you an overview of them as well as their advantages and disadvantages. And

[48] 03:49at the end of this video, there'll be a link to a free resource where you can study each

[49] 03:54of these methods in detail.

[50] 03:57The first method is listening. Just listen to English as much as possible. An advantage

[51] 04:03of this method is that it's very easy to do. You can do it while stuck in traffic, while

[52] 04:09exercising, while waiting in line, and so on. But he main drawback of this method is

[53] 04:14that it's too passive. Listening alone is not enough. You have to combine listening

[54] 04:20with some sort of speaking practice.

[55] 04:22And that brings us to the next method, which is to use English speaking courses that teach

[56] 04:28English implicitly.

[57] 04:30Let's see how these courses work:

[58] 04:36Is there a cat?

[59] 04:39No, there is not cat.

[60] 04:42No, there isn't a cat.

[61] 04:48What is there?

[62] 04:50There is a dog.

[63] 04:53A dog, there's a dog.

[64] 05:03Does Lisa own the dog?

[65] 05:05No, Lisa doesn't own the dog.

[66] 05:08No, she doesn't. Lisa doesn't own the dog.

[67] 05:14Who owns the dog then?

[68] 05:16OK, so that's one example. Here's another one:

[69] 05:23There was a guy named John.

[70] 05:26He wanted to own a restaurant.

[71] 05:30Did John want to own a car?

[72] 05:32No, he didn't want to own an...a car.

[73] 05:37No, he didn't want to own a car.

[74] 05:41What did he want?

[75] 05:43He want to own a restaurant.

[76] 05:46Well, he wanted to own a restaurant.

[77] 05:49He wanted to own a restaurant.

[78] 05:51Who wanted to own a restaurant?

[79] 05:53OK, so that's how it works. A key advantage of using a course like this is that you get

[80] 05:58feedback every time your speak. This allows you to learn and improve quickly. This is

[81] 06:04great for beginners. By using a course like this, the learner can expect to see significant

[82] 06:10improvements in a matter of months.

[83] 06:13But this method has some disadvantages too. One of which is limited learning. When you

[84] 06:18use a course like this, you get to learn only the words, phrases, and other things that

[85] 06:24are used in that course, and this is a problem because in order to speak English well, you

[86] 06:29need to keep expanding your vocabulary.

[87] 06:32Another problem is that at some point it's going to become easy for you to practice with

[88] 06:37these courses and you will stop improving. When that happens, you're going to need to

[89] 06:43use a different method in order to keep getting better.

[90] 06:46And that brings us to the last method, which is called imitation.

[91] 06:51This is the practice where you listen to a conversation or a story in English and then

[92] 06:57try to tell that story in your own words. And by doing so, you get to learn grammar,

[93] 07:03vocabulary, and other aspects of English.

[94] 07:07This is a great method for intermediate and advanced speakers. A key advantage of this

[95] 07:12method is that there are virtually no limits to how much you can learn. The more you practice,

[96] 07:17you more you learn and the larger your vocabulary.

[97] 07:22But the main problem with this method is that it can be difficult for beginners. If right

[98] 07:27now you can speak English just a little bit, you may not be able to practice imitation

[99] 07:32effectively. If that's the case, you might want to start with one or two speaking courses

[100] 07:37before you start using this method.

[101] 07:41OK, so that's an overview of three learning methods that work because they're all a form

[102] 07:47of implicit learning.

[103] 07:49If you want to learn more about these methods, check out this resource where you can find

[104] 07:54a tutorial on imitation, a list of recommended speaking courses, and a video series on how

[105] 08:00to practice listening the right way. Just click here to go to that resource.