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Speaking English | How to Speak Fluent English Without Hesitation

Doing English with Julian Northbrook

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[1] 00:00- Hello, I'm Julian Northbrook from

[2] 00:04(lively music)

[3] 00:08How to speak fluent English without hesitation?

[4] 00:13It's a good question,

[5] 00:14and it's one that many of you are asking.

[6] 00:16I've got two things to say on this.

[7] 00:19The first is a little bit simpler.

[8] 00:22It might sound a little bit patronising,

[9] 00:25but it's very important.

[10] 00:26The second is a little bit more complicated.

[11] 00:31It's a little bit deeper, but it's also very important.

[12] 00:35But first things first.

[13] 00:36When people say to me,

[14] 00:37I'm struggling to speak english well,

[15] 00:40I'm not fluent in English.

[16] 00:42I hesitate when I speak.

[17] 00:44I can't respond to people quickly, automatically in English.

[18] 00:49My first question for them is always

[19] 00:52How much time and energy are you putting in to learning the language?

[20] 01:00Learning the English that you need,

[21] 01:03and then practising it to get good at it.

[22] 01:05It's such an obvious thing,

[23] 01:08but you'd be amazed at how many people actually really aren't doing much of anything.

[24] 01:14You see, what happens is people have a conversation in English

[25] 01:19with an overseas client, somebody from their work, whatever...

[26] 01:23And they will completely screw that up.

[27] 01:28They will misunderstand something, say something stupid,

[28] 01:31the whole thing will go horribly wrong,

[29] 01:33and they end up horribly embarrassed about the whole thing.

[30] 01:36They go home, and they search on their computer,

[31] 01:39how to improve my English,

[32] 01:41how to speak fluent English without hesitation,

[33] 01:44or whatever it is that they type in.

[34] 01:47And they are super motivated to improve their English,

[35] 01:51for about a day, two days.

[36] 01:55And then, the embarrassment fades,

[37] 01:58they feel a bit better about the whole thing.

[38] 02:01Time, as they say, is a great healer.

[39] 02:05Then suddenly other things come up,

[40] 02:07work gets busy, there are good things to watch on TV,

[41] 02:12beer to be drunk in the pub.

[42] 02:14English gets pushed to one side,

[43] 02:17and never gets done.

[44] 02:19Until, of course, the next time they have a conversation

[45] 02:23with an overseas client, or somebody from their work,

[46] 02:25or whoever it is that they speak English with.

[47] 02:28And once again, the whole thing goes horribly wrong

[48] 02:31and they end up horribly embarrassed all over again,

[49] 02:34and repeat the same situation again,

[50] 02:37and again, and again.

[51] 02:39You don't need me to tell you

[52] 02:41that this is a shitty way to improve your English.

[53] 02:45Mastering a language is simple.

[54] 02:48It's not easy, to be sure, but it's definitely not complicated.

[55] 02:53Learn the language,

[56] 02:55get a source of good language to learn from,

[57] 03:01learn the language that you need,

[58] 03:03practise it, make it easy to use, automatic, fluent,

[59] 03:09and then just do it.

[60] 03:10It really is that simple.

[61] 03:13But, you need to be doing it every single day.

[62] 03:16You need to be learning new language every single day.

[63] 03:21Practising on a regular basis.

[64] 03:23Getting out there, doing more with your English.

[65] 03:26You can't do nothing in English, and then expect to get better.

[66] 03:30It's not gonna happen.

[67] 03:32Again, kind of obvious, but something that many people overlook.

[68] 03:37Of course, if you're not too sure what language to learn,

[69] 03:41how to practise it,

[70] 03:42or really how to do any of what I've just said.

[71] 03:45If you're confused about the whole English-improvement process,

[72] 03:50Check out my book:

[73] 03:51Master English Fast, An Uncommon Guide to Speaking Extraordinary English.

[74] 03:57It'll show you step by step the whole process.

[75] 04:00It'll walk you through improving your english as an intermediate to advanced English learner.

[76] 04:06Now, I said there were two things that are very important, and there are.

[77] 04:13If you are struggling to speak,

[78] 04:16if you're hesitating in conversation

[79] 04:18'cause you don't know the language,

[80] 04:20go back to the first point, what I just talked about.

[81] 04:23But if you are still finding it difficult,

[82] 04:26what you've gotta ask yourself is why?

[83] 04:29Why are you hesitating?

[84] 04:31Is it that you don't know the words?

[85] 04:33Is it that you don't know the phrases,

[86] 04:34the chunks that you need to communicate with?

[87] 04:39Or, is it that you have no idea what to say?

[88] 04:42Many people say, my mind went blank.

[89] 04:45I drew blanks, I didn't know what to say.

[90] 04:49Is it because you don't have anything interesting to say,

[91] 04:53no content in here?

[92] 04:55Because this is also an important part of speaking English.

[93] 04:59You need three things to speak English well.

[94] 05:01Of course, you need the language, that much is obvious.

[95] 05:05If you don't have the phrases and the expressions that you need

[96] 05:08to express the things that you want to express,

[97] 05:12you're not gonna be able to say anything that you want to say in English.

[98] 05:16But you also need an understanding of the things that you're talking about.

[99] 05:20Background knowledge, content.

[100] 05:23If you are not speaking well,

[101] 05:26or hesitating because you've got nothing to say,

[102] 05:28well, you need to get out more.

[103] 05:31Do more things in English, or in your native language.

[104] 05:34Because often when people have this problem,

[105] 05:38and I'm sorry to say this,

[106] 05:40but often I'll talk to people and they'll say,

[107] 05:42well I don't speak English very well.

[108] 05:44But actually, no, they don't speak their own native language very well either.

[109] 05:47Because they're boring in both languages,

[110] 05:50and that's the problem.

[111] 05:51Get out there more, have more experiences.

[112] 05:54Do more things, have more stories to tell.

[113] 05:57Of course, you need the language in order to tell those stories,

[114] 06:00to talk about those experiences,

[115] 06:02but you also need the actual experiences.

[116] 06:05You need both of these things to speak well.

[117] 06:08And only when you have both of these things,

[118] 06:13as well as the third thing, culture.

[119] 06:16Culture is an understanding of the way that people think.

[120] 06:19Because by definition, when you are speaking in English,

[121] 06:22you are talking to people with a different culture to you.

[122] 06:26Meaning the way they think,

[123] 06:28whether they communicate is gonna be different to you.

[124] 06:31Only when you have all of these three things in balance

[125] 06:35will you truly be able to speak great English.

[126] 06:40Just something to think about.

[127] 06:41And, like I said, check out my book,

[128] 06:44Master English Fast, An Uncommon Guide to Speaking Extraordinary English.

[129] 06:50Just head over to,

[130] 06:53check it out, and I will see you in the next video.

[131] 06:56And oh, if you're new to this channel, don't forget to subscribe

[132] 07:00so you can get more videos and stuff just like this one.

[133] 07:05Goodbye.