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NO EXCUSES - Powerful Study Motivation [2017]


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[1] 00:04We have control of our minute, our hour our day, our week, our month and our year.

[2] 00:14Stop running around being on the receiving end of whatever people want to

[3] 00:19dump on you. You showed up you accepted that invite you invited these people to

[4] 00:25your house you're in a relationship with that man you're in a relationship with

[5] 00:29that woman. That's you so how do you feel at the end of your night?

[6] 00:33How easy and how convenient is it for us to blame

[7] 00:38everything and everybody for the things that we have going on in our lives. There

[8] 00:45is a such thing as you being a positive and a great person with the best of

[9] 00:50intentions towards everybody and shit is rough and you just can't get a break but

[10] 00:56most of you most of you are waking up every day looking for pain, dysfunction

[11] 01:03drama, unemployment, being broke,struggling, dropping every excuse in the

[12] 01:09book about your childhood and the problems and dysfunction that you grew up in

[13] 01:13that's stopping you from becoming successful.

[14] 01:16ou don't like your friends so why are you still with them?

[15] 01:19You don't trust your managers agents and lawyers so why are they still there?

[16] 01:24Do you really expect your life and career to be any different from messing with the same things people and situations.

[17] 01:32That's all I'm saying. Are the things that you're doing the

[18] 01:38people that you're hanging out with and the places and the circles that you're

[19] 01:41traveling in does that reflect a person that actually loves themself? If you

[20] 01:47love yourself why would you fuck with those type of people?

[21] 01:51ou know what they're saying about you behind your back you know they're

[22] 01:55jealous and envious of who you are and the things that you got going on in your life, in your career.

[23] 01:58You know that they don't like you and they've made it clear

[24] 02:04they've sent you every sign imaginable that they could possibly send you and because

[25] 02:10you're so desperate to have people around you and in your

[26] 02:14life you continue to go back you continue to show up to everything they

[27] 02:20invite you to knowing what they're saying about you.I'm not preaching

[28] 02:28separatism. I don't want a bunch of people to just be alone at home doing nothing

[29] 02:33with no friends no family and nothing to do I'm saying that at this point you are

[30] 02:39old enough and mature enough to understand the difference in good people

[31] 02:43and bad people and when you're hanging out with negative dark and dysfunctional

[32] 02:47people you cannot expect yourself to go to sleep at night and rest. You cannot

[33] 02:53expect yourself to feel good about your day when you're including negative and

[34] 02:58dysfunctional people in your day.

[35] 03:05Stop being a lazy person that's full of excuses, sitting around on the pity party

[36] 03:13coming up with every excuse in the world as to why you ain't winning. You are the

[37] 03:19reason you're not winning you keep messin with negative evil and

[38] 03:25dysfunctional people and expecting positive results. It's time you get off

[39] 03:30the pity party stop complaining about being out of

[40] 03:33shape when you never go to the gym stop looking at your stomach when you get out

[41] 03:38of the shower and your body and complaining about the way you look when

[42] 03:42you're eating everything in sight and never going to the gym. You are the

[43] 03:47reason you look the way you look, you're the reason you're unemployed, you're the

[44] 03:52reason why your surroundings are so dysfunctional and negative. You could

[45] 03:56still be in the hood, broke and living a peaceful life. It's a choice. We are being

[46] 04:07raised in a generation of people that come up with every excuse in the book as

[47] 04:13to why they are not winning. You have that as a choice. You actually do. You

[48] 04:20don't wake up in the morning and negativity, dysfunction, problems and

[49] 04:25issues just randomly pop up. These are the people that you have decided to

[50] 04:30include in your life so the outcome of your day, your hour, your minutes, your

[51] 04:36week, your month and your year is always draining, always dysfunctional and

[52] 04:41always crazy because these are the type of people you've decided to include in

[53] 04:47your day to day life. You got 24 hours in a day. When you go to sleep at night how are

[54] 04:55you going to feel about your day, all depends on who you decide to include in

[55] 05:00your day. Stop running around acting as if you don't have a choice, you do have a

[56] 05:07choice. Excuses sound best to the people that's making them up. You got every

[57] 05:16excuse in the world. That's why you ain't moving, that's why ain't nothing change and

[58] 05:23nothing will change because you have convinced yourself that everything is

[59] 05:29wrong, everything is neva - negative and nothing will change and guess what? It

[60] 05:33won't change. Change your mind and it will change your life. Change, if nothing

[61] 05:40around you changes, change the things that are around you. I'm tired of it. I'm

[62] 05:49frustrated with the amount of people that are not successful because they

[63] 05:54have thought their way into a depression you have thought your way into

[64] 05:59negativity and misery you have thought your way into holding on to a dude or a

[65] 06:05girl that you broke up with a year or two ago and you're still sad and miserable and they've moved on with

[66] 06:09their life. It's all in the mind change your mind and it will change your life you just

[67] 06:17have to you just have to wake up you just have to break that negative spirit

[68] 06:24you have to break through all of that shit that your in care of. I don't want to

[69] 06:30to I don't feel sorry for you you feel sorry for yourself that's the problem

[70] 06:36even when positive people are trying to give you all this good energy you have

[71] 06:41tricked your mind to turn every positive thing that they say into something

[72] 06:47negative every time they say anything to try and motivate you and inspire you you

[73] 06:52you turn every negative thought and every you turn every positive thought

[74] 06:58every positive intention everything that they trying to to boost your spirits up

[75] 07:02you flip it shake it manipulate it and you if you are so determined to be

[76] 07:10negative and miserable. It's unbelievable. So what you grew up

[77] 07:19with them? So what they're childhood friends? So what they're family?

[78] 07:27We have a responsibility to walk in the direction of peace I want to laugh I

[79] 07:33want to smile, I wanna enjoy myself. I actually want to feel good about the

[80] 07:40people that are around me because you're inviting me doesn't mean I want to show

[81] 07:44up because you're calling me doesn't mean I'm going to call you back because

[82] 07:47you want me to be there doesn't mean that I want to be there because we're

[83] 07:52family because we're friends because we grew up together doesn't mean that I

[84] 07:55want to be a part of any and everything that you want me to be a part of. Why?

[85] 07:59Because my experience with you hasn't necessarily made me feel good about my

[86] 08:06my life or my experience at the end of every night because you go to sleep at

[87] 08:13night doesn't mean you're resting. Because you close your eyes at night and you are

[88] 08:21asleep physically doesn't mean that you're actually resting and the reason that you

[89] 08:26don't rest is because while you're awake everything and everybody thats in and around

[90] 08:32your life is so full of issues problems insecurities dysfunction negativity your mind

[91] 08:40is and your spirit is in turmoil. Issues problems arguments yelling screams

[92] 08:49dysfunction I want you to stop playing the victim you are not the victim you

[93] 08:57decided that those are your friends you decided that those are the people that

[94] 09:04you want to spend time with you decided this is what you wanted to do with your

[95] 09:09day when you get invited to places doesn't mean you have to show up no one

[96] 09:15wants to be alone why spend the rest of your life being miserable frustrated and

[97] 09:21insecure? Not really feeling as good as you have a responsibility to feel

[98] 09:29feeling good isn't just an opportunity feeling good is a responsibility that we

[99] 09:36all have for ourselves and guess what I actually don't care what you say about

[100] 09:41me I don't remember the last time I lost sleep over a hater and the things that

[101] 09:45people are running around saying blogs websites conversations tweets and I don't

[102] 09:51lose sleep over haters. Why? Because I know exactly how I feel about me and

[103] 09:55even if something appears to be very different than what it really is I don't

[104] 10:00even mind that you're talking shit about the things that you're assuming that's

[105] 10:04really going on the question is are you just going to

[106] 10:11look at this video and decide wow that was some powerful shit and do the same thing?

[107] 10:22But it's a new day... it's a new day.